Saturday, March 31, 2012


Connect ID is to establish initial connection between PeopleSoft User and Database. Common connect ID used/delivered by PeopleSoft is 'people'.

A connect ID is a valid user ID that, when used during sign-in, takes the place of PeopleSoft user IDs. Using a connect ID means you don’t have to create a new database user for every PeopleSoft user that you add to the system.

A connect ID is required for a direct connection (two-tier connection) to the database. Application servers and two-tier Microsoft Windows clients require a connect ID. You specify the connect ID for an application server in the Signon section of the PSADMIN utility. For Microsoft Windows clients, you specify the connect ID in the Startup tab of PeopleSoft Configuration Manager. You can create a connect ID by running the Connect.SQL and Grant.SQL scripts.

PeopleSoft Finance - CORE Tables for AP and GL

General Ledger Tables
PS_LEDGER: The general ledger data table.
PS_JRNL_HEADER: Stores general ledger journal header data.
PS_JRNL_LN: Stores general ledger journal line data.
ps_combo_rule_tbl: Stores ChartField combination rules.
ps_combo_group_tbl: Stores ChartField combination groups.
ps_combo_data_tbl: ChartField Combo data table.
ps_bu_led_comb_tbl: Business Unit CharField Combos for Ledger.
PS_GL_ACCOUNT_TBL: GL Accounts table.
Accounts Payable/Voucher Tables
PS_GRP_AP: Stores AP control groups.
PS_VOUCHER: AP voucher header table.
PS_VOUCHER_LINE: AP voucher line.
PS_DISTRIB_LINE: Voucher distribution table.
PS_PAYMENT_TBL: AP disbursements table.
PS_PYMNT_VCHR_XREF: Voucher Scheduled Payment.
PS_RT_RATE_TBL : Market Rate Data Tale. There is also the market rate default view RT_DFLT_VW.
PS_VCHR_ACCTG_LINE: AP accounting entries.
Voucher Build Staging Tables

Vendor Tables
VENDOR: Stores vendor related information.
VENDOR_ADDR: Vendor address related info.
VENDOR_LOC: Vendor locations.
VENDOR_PAY: Payment processing sepecifications such as payment method, payment handling code, bank code and so forth.
VNDR_ADDR_SCROL: Index to address table.
VNDR_CNTCT_SCR: Index to contact table.
VNDR_LOC_SCROL: Index to location table.
VENDOR_ID_NBRS: Additional ID numbers (Dun & Bradstreet numbers).
VENDOR_ADDR_PHN: Vendor phone numbers.
VENDOR_CNTCT: Vendor contacts.
VENDOR_CONVER: Vendor converstaions.
VENDOR_INVOICE: Stores vendor invoice related flags.
VENDOR_TYPE: Vendor type codes.
VNDR_BANK_ACCT: Vendor electronic payment information.
VNDR_CNTCT_PHN: Vendor contact phone numbers.
VNDR_IND_CLASS: Vendor Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes.
VNDR_URL: Vendor website address.
VNDR_VAT_RGSTRN: Vendor VAT information.
VENDOR_WTHD: Witholding data.
VENDOR_WTHD_JUR: Witholding type.

PeopleSoft Security

PeopleSoft Security is organized through 3 components. This security is mainly about User profile and related items.
  • User Profile (Operator ID)
  • Roles
  • Permission Lists
User profile is attached to Roles. Roles will have one or more Permission Lists. Permission Lists are then attached to Components. Below hierarchy shows the link between them.

Users -> Roles -> Permission Lists -> Components / Menu

PSOPRDEFN Stores all operators (users) in the PeopleSoft system. Also stores their employee ID (EMPLID), encrypted password, primary permission list, default navigator home page, process profile permission list and row security permission list.
PSROLEUSER The highest level of security access is defined by roles (think of them as groups). This table stores the roles the user belongs to.
PSOPRCLS Roles link together permission lists which are the security objects that define access to components, pages, and other areas of the system. This view returns the permission lists that a user has access to via their roles. Note that prior to PeopleTools 8, permission lists were synonymous with classes and most of the security tables still use this convention.
PSOPRALIAS Aliases can be mapped to a particular operator ID (user). The obvious alias is employee ID (EMPLID) but others include external organisation ID (EXT_ORG_ID) and customer ID (CUST_ID). All ways of referring to the same entity.
PSOPRALIASTYPE This is the setup table for operator aliases
PSOPRALIASFIELD This is the setup table that maps operator aliases to records & fields
PSUSERATTR User attributes store the a hint password question & response for a user (if this is enabled)
PSUSEREMAIL Email addresses for users.

PSROLEDEFN Stores roles and their properties. Roles can be assigned dynamically through Query, PeopleCode or LDAP. Roles are also used in conjunction with Workflow and routing.
PSROLECLASS Roles are made of up of one or permission lists, and this table links the two together. Very handy.

PSCLASSDEFN Permission lists are where the security really happens. They provide access to menus, components and pages and a host of other security including PeopleTools, Process security, Component Interfaces, Web Libraries, Web Services, Personalisations, Query and Mass Change.
PSAUTHITEM The link between permission lists and menus
PSAUTHBUSCOMP The link between permission lists and component interfaces and their methods
PSAUTHOPTN The link between permission lists and personalisations
PSAUTHPRCS The link between permission lists and process groups
PSAUTHSIGNON The link between permission lists and signon times
PSAUTHWEBLIBVW A view linking permission lists and access to web libraries (really just Menus in PSAUTHITEM that begin with WEBLIB_).
PSAUTHWS The link between permission lists and web services (service operations)
PS_SCRTY_ACC_GRP The link between permission lists, trees and query access groups
PS_MC_OPR_SECURITY The link between permission lists and mass change templates. This is an odd table, it uses the field OPRID but really it links permission lists


PSPRSMDEFN Stores the structure of the portal registry. This data is stored in a hierarchical (tree) structure within the table. The field PORTAL_URI_SEG1 is the menu, PORTAL_URI_SEG2 is the component, and PORTAL_URI_SEG3 is the market.
PSPRSMPERM Stores permission lists associated with access to everything within the portal registry

Sample Security Query:

select distinct OPRID, OPRCLASS
where OPRCLASS in (
select distinct CLASSID
from sysadm.PSAUTHITEM
where PNLITEMNAME = '<>

Workflow Tables

APPR_RULE_DETL – Approval Rule Defn Details
APPR_RULE_FIELD – Approval Rule Defn Route Cntl
APPR_RULE_AMT – Approval Rule Amounts
RTE_CNTL_LN – Route Control Profile Line
RTE_CNTL_RUSER – RoleUser Route Cntl Profiles
RTE_CNTL_TYPE – Route Control Type
RTE_CNTL_HDR – Routing Control Type

Application Engine Trace


PeopleTools -> Process Scheduler -> Processes -> Update Display

Go to Override Options Tab, and add the below entries:

-Trace 7 TOOLSTRACEPC 4044

Based on the numbers given next to TOOLSTRACEPC, detailed level trace file will be generated for Application Engine programs.